Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Clone of My Own

After looking over the Aerogrow hydroponic kit I bought the other day, I realized I could build better myself.  So, I did.

One bubble cloner, some assembly required.

Material list is:
1 cake carrier
2 airstones, 10"
4 plastic shotglasses
8 feet of aquarium tubing
1 aquarium air pump with dual nozzles

First thing I did was make the net cups.  Yes, I know I could have just bought some flimsy ones off the internet fairly cheap and waited for them to come in, but I wanted something a little more heavy duty and a little more "in my hands right now".  So, took the drill to these red dixie cup shotglasses to provide lots of ventilation.

Roughed out where they would sit in the lid of the cake carrier, sans handles and cut them out.

And then just put in the airstones, drilled some quick holes for the tubes, and assembled it all.  Pretty simple build, really.

Filled with water and turned it on for a test run, and success.  When the airstones are right under the cups, we get lots of bubbles going right up into them.

Next step will be to enlarge the holes a bit more so the cups sit deeper in, and give the whole thing a quick spray painting to make sure I block out the light, but its essentially done.  And I made sure to keep it slim enough to go into the grow cabinet on even it's shallowest setting.

Then just gotta find something to use as a medium in the cups (so that what I root will have actual roots, and not just water roots) and it'll be ready to use.

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