Friday, September 15, 2017

2017 - End of Season

Got lots of pods off the old girl again this year.  The titular Reaper grew quite large and bushy, which meant the weight shifted how the roots sit on the skull.  Some roots were lost, others bulked up tremendously, and the overall look of the bonchi has changed.  Such is the way of the bonsai, it becomes it's own creation over time.

As you can see, the entire thing slid backwards when the weight pulled it that way, which made the lower jaw pop out.  I rather like whats happened to it, actually.  The way it laid back now means it has a full back while the front is more open.  Makes a better display aesthetic.

The jaw coming out also gives it a more natural "its just scattered here" look, less "this has been intentionally set up".  I guess "more organic" is a good way of saying it?

Anyway, apologies for basically disappearing for this season.  Been planning a wedding (mine!) and haven't had nearly as much time to document incremental changes.  But never fear, the Living Death Bonchi is alive and well!

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