Wednesday, May 16, 2018

All Things Change

Update on the original bonchi:

Things are looking kind of rough for the old girl.  Lost the middle arm earlier, and now its looking like the right arm is a gonner as well.  Luckily, there are some sprouts near the fork, so I'm going to be looking at encouraging that one to grow and pruning the deadwood above it back once it takes off.

Officially in unknown territory now, as I'm not sure how its all going to go, but hey, such is life.  All things change, and rarely do they go 100% according to plan!  Who knows, maybe in the end we'll end up with something even better.

While we wait to find out however, I went ahead and started up a new one.

This one is again using some aquarium/terrarium decorations I found at Pet Smart.  Small (dare I say child sized) skull and an arm with hand that matches for size if not entirely in color.  Side note, really, what is with all this stuff always being different colors?  Can't you make matching bones, Pet Smart terrarium decoration supplier person?  Anyway, hot glued the two pieces together (didn't bother with superglue, the gaps were too wide for that), and put an orange habanero on top of it.  Spread the roots around really well, between the fingers, into the eye sockets, so hopefully it will turn out well.  Should make a nice Halloween looking piece to have the almost pumpkin looking orange habs growing over this setup.

Update on the rib cage diorama, you can see the reapers are growing quite happily.  Going to let them have a few more weeks before we start on the pull downs.

Also a bit of a deviation for me, this one is an ACTUAL TREE!  Specifically, it is an olive tree as my wife loves olives.  Its too cold here to grow one outside year round, so if I'm going to have to overwinter it, I might as well bonsai it!

Bought the tree from a local nursery and pruned the top back by about half, and noticed that it had a small shoot coming out near the base, and then nothing but bare trunk up for the next 2 feet.  Said screw that, and started encouraging the lower branch.  Later, I'll prune the trunk back SUPER hard right above the lower branch to get it to have a nice bend/taper.

Heh, and just because I could, one rosemary from Walmart + 5 minutes with the snips = adorable herb bonsai!