Friday, March 6, 2015

I'm Not Dead Yet, I Feel Happy!

General update, the Reapers are all alive and well.

Of the seven, all but one have true leaves, and as you can see from these two go getters, a couple are working on their second set.

Not pepper related, but after a few years of going tomato free, I've decided to grow some blue tomatoes from seed.  Been so long I was a little afraid the seeds had gone bad, but if you look closely you can see a purple stem just starting to peek out here.  These are seeds I've saved from the original P20 Blue line that later became known as the Indigo Rose tomato.

And just for the hell of it, I found this fish tank ornament a while back.  I think it'll make a fine bonchi set piece, especially if I can get one of these damned cumaris to sprout!

1 comment:

  1. Neat ornament! I'm having problems getting cumaris to sprout too. Best of luck.
