Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Up Potting

While getting ready to up pot everybody yesterday, I was digging through my used containers for something the right size, and wasn't finding anything.  I did however find the cat treat bins I had been saving.

Was saving them because I thought maybe I could make little hydroponic cells out of them, but I more or less got over my hydro kick, so, time to DIY up some soil containers!

Spray painted them all with some left over primer spray I had laying around (yeah, I have lots of weird craft stuff just laying around).  Roots don't like light, so never use anything transparent, you'll burn the roots and won't have a good day.

Then it was off to the store to buy some fresh new potting soil for everybody, and... I ended up finding really good containers for 98 cents each.  I think I used more than 98 cents each of spraypaint just covering those cat treat boxes, so I bought all of them they had.  Still had more plants to up pot than they had containers though, so I'll still get to use some of these I made.

Looks like I was just in time too.  This is the biggest of the Reaper seedlings.  It was just starting to get close to thinking about being root bound.  Lots of nice long, healthy, white roots though, which is exactly what I wanted to see.

And bam, everybody has been transplanted into a nice new container, much larger than the ones they were in before.  The Reapers (the good ones, anyway) got first dibs on the big heavy new containers, the ones I made got used for the blue tomatoes.

Everything is looking good, expecting to have plenty of big strong Reapers to choose from when it comes time to start the bonchi.

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