Tuesday, January 6, 2015

All Tied Up

Well, since this laughing buddha bonchi is essentially my test bed for everything I plan on doing with the Reaper proper, I figured this was as good a time as any to wet my feet on wiring.

All of the other bonchi's and bonsai's I've done, I've let the branches mostly go however they grew, just pruning off the ones I didn't like.  Time to step that up a notch.

Figured I'll try for a bhodi tree look for the bonchi, which is generally depicted as a half sphere or a full sphere in the stylized artwork I've seen.

Now granted, I don't think I'm in any danger of having someone accuse me of being *GOOD* at wiring, but I think I did it well enough to get the job of bending those branches out away from the vertical in order to start on a canopy for this bonchi.

Hopefully the root pull down, the chopping, and the wiring in such close proximity to each other won't be too much for the pepper.  But if I've learned anything in my years of growing peppers, they can take a lot of physical abuse, so it should be fine...

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